I’m working out what to include in the next version of www.RichardDawson.co.uk
I need a new design for it as well.
Things I can think of that I want to keep/ include/ do with the next version.
– Twitter feed
– Media Player (keep it playing, whilst navigating my site, rather than have to start again playing something)
– More easier interaction with you the readers & listeners. ie. live chat box
– Cleaner, lighter colors and a more sleek layout.
– Proper page for the downloads, rather than just the browser showing the directory from the server.
That’s all I can think of for just ten minutes brainstorming. I may come up with some other things that I want to do as time progresses.
Regarding the design, I have been looking for inspiration, and have come up with the following to show the style I like.
I would like to get some detailed icons and graphics to add that little extra somethings.